On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by a very special guest, the other half of RealEverything.com, Matt

Stacy and Matt share all their road trip tips, tricks, planning strategies, packing lists and so very much more. On episode 361, learn how to savor all the amazing experiences that come with travel, while also taking care of your health so that you feel your best along your journey. Enjoy!

If you enjoy the show, please review it on iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 361: Road Trip Tips (0:41) Welcome Welcome back to The Paleo View everyone! Stacy is still on the road, and as mentioned last week, is going to talk about how life on the road is going Please welcome this week’s special guest, Matt, the other half of Real Everything Matt and Stacy are on day 31 of a 68-day cross-country road trip Recording this week’s episode from their Las Vegas hotel This week Matt and Stacy plan to share travel tips from their experience How to eat real food How to plan accordingly What to research during the planning process The lessons Matt and Stacy have learned (3:24) Where to Begin First and foremost, decide on an overall plan Part of Matt and Stacy’s plan included how they were going to get to where they wanted to go They initially planned to do an RV trip, but traveling via RV wasn’t a fit for them for many reasons Specifically, it is really hard to explore cities with an RV Traveling via minivan has really worked out well Matt and Stacy also looked at all the locations they wanted to visit and exploring their lodging options along their route Stops with friends they could stay with Airbnb Hotels Sarah asked how Matt and Stacy plotted their route (how many miles they would cover each day, how they tracked the details, etc.) Stacy created a Google Doc that started as a list and then turned that information into a table in Google Docs This is an app that they can track on their phone, and even Cole has been able to follow along with their travels plan Matt and Stacy’s parents also have access to the document so they can track along with their travels They have also used Google Maps to plot their plans Matt mentioned that they did try using road trip travel apps, but they didn’t add any features that were actually helpful Stacy recommends using a tool, whatever you feel comfortable with, to plan this out At first, the planning was happening in Matt and Stacy’s heads Then Stacy was capturing details in her Notes app on her phone And eventually, the notes made their way into a Google Doc From there a formal final table was created They started their planning by asking each family member, what two places in the country do you want to visit? This began the plotting process Stacy also had some business to tend to along their travels, which gave them additional points to plot All of these map points and the dates relevant to those various points provided the structure that the trip needs There has been a bit of zigging and zagging in Matt and Stacy’s travels, but it has worked out really well for them Another thing to consider is how long your family can be in the car They try to keep it to four hours or less, but they can do 8 to 10 hour days when needed They tried really hard to map out this trip so that they have 4 to 5 hour days on average, with less than a dozen long days on their travel plans Also, look at where you are going and what you are going to want to do once you are there How much time will you need or want at these spots? Keep in mind that you will not be able to see everything For Matt and Stacy’s kids, this trip has been great to provide a glimpse into various locations that they want to revisit and explore further The other thing to consider is how to break your days up For example, if you are bringing a pet you will need to stop more often Matt and Stacy are kind of hardcore and avoid breaks They will tell the kids they are not stopping until they need gas again Factor in all breaks into your travel time One of the best things that Stacy did was find a cooler that plugs into the car charger outlet in their minivan It is literally a minifridge that also has an electric plug and wheels so that it rolls like a cooler They plug it into the car and then when they reach their destination for that day, they unplug it and bring it into their stop Matt and Stacy also brought along an electric hot water kettle to make their own coffee, Wild Zora packs and Pique Tea (18:46) Eating on the Go For the most part, Matt, Stacy and the boys have eaten wraps while in the car They have kept romaine lettuce, lunch meat, high-quality cheese, squeeze bottle mayo, and mustard They have also kept trail mixes in stock in the car, but they lean towards the wraps and baby carrots so that people can get in healthy food while on the road Matt and Stacy set up the minivan with the middle seat missing and this is where the cooler and the snack bin lives The snack bin lid serves as the tabletop so that Cole can make people wraps Know your limitations While you are reducing stress in your life without the typical daily stressors (work, house chores, etc.) you are increasing your stress factors in other ways Less than ideal sleep Sitting down for extended periods of time Tracking the mileage logistics So don’t add the stress of eating foods that you know are going to cause irritation Stacy has been very careful to not do the things that she know will irritate her She has avoided nightshades, corn, and low-quality dairy This has made a huge difference and has allowed Stacy to feel great (23:21) The Other Things Everyone is starting to feel a bit homesick, but still appreciating the journey as they reach the halfway mark Santa Monica will be a great break for everyone Stacy is separating from the group for a work event Matt and the boys are going to use this bit of time to relax The other piece Stacy wants to mention about planning and being organized – clear bins For short trips, Matt and Stacy typically use storage items they have around the house like paper bags or grocery tote bags However, for this particular trip, they invested in clear stacking bins that allows them to see what is in which bin They simply open the trunk and can see where everything is at Before they left they measured out the space to see how the bins could fit and how many they could fit Matt and Stacy also purchased a Turtle Topper which has been a great investment that has helped with their travels The Turtle Topper came with matching duffel bags that fit perfectly inside the storage container It is also very compact and hasn’t impacted their ability to fit in garages When it came to packing, this trip really forced the family to practice a minimalism mentality Even when out exploring, when the boys want to buy something, Stacy challenges them to think about where the item would fit They packed for all weather types Each family also packed two pairs of walking shoes and one pair of sandals Since you can’t get mail, you really need to plan ahead for what all you will need You could potentially use an Amazon locker if you were to time your travels exactly right Other clothing items: Raincoats Hoodies Hats Sunglasses A first aid kit was also an incredibly important addition to their packing list The snafu that happened with Finn that made Stacy feel like a supermom for packing the ultimate first aid kit Being able to think on your toes, research and adapt are all important pieces that you will need while on the road Matt and Stacy also packed some key supplements (anti-gluten pill, activated charcoal, and probiotics) Stacy asked Sarah to share more on the gluten enzymes she recommends and why There are a few different varieties out there The one Sarah keeps in her purse is Glutenza made my Numedica It’s not designed so that someone with celiac disease can eat a baguette, but it’s designed to protect you against cross-contamination It is also really good at breaking apart similar proteins in other high allergen foods It is a sophisticated supplement and Sarah keeps a bottle of this in her purse at all times It has been a lifesaver for her Matt and Stacy have been happy to have this supplement on hand while traveling as well Whenever they are in a home with a kitchen, the first thing Matt, Stacy and the boys do is meal plan for the exact amount of time they will be with a kitchen and stock up on food supplies They may pick one special place to eat out at but are otherwise trying to avoid eating out Be sure to do your gluten-free research Read reviews Stacy looks for details that show that they understand what it means to prepare gluten-free recipes (50:28) Closing Thoughts Matt and Stacy need to pack up and get ready to leave Las Vegas They are heading to Joshua Tree National Park next One of the things that Sarah wanted to mention is that many of the products that Matt and Stacy mentioned are actually sponsors of the show and offer exclusive deals to Paleo View listeners Chomps Chomps.com/ThePaleoView Coupon code: THEPALEOVIEW for 20% off and free shipping Wild Zora wildzora.com/thepaleoview Free Shipping and up to 30% off Vital Proteins https://www.vitalproteins.com/thepaleoview Exclusive bundles of Stacy’s and Sarah’s favorites are available through the link above Pique Tea piquetea.life/thepaleoview 28% off and free shipping Thrive Probiotic https://thriveprobiotic.com/thepaleoview 15% off with code PALEOVIEW15 Stacy and Sarah reach out to sponsors with products that they already use and genuinely love These codes stay open – you can use them all the time Be sure to take advantage of these great deals! Stacy thanked Sarah for sharing details on Glutenza right off the top of her head It was great to catch up again! Sarah and Stacy will be back again next week Special thanks to Matt for joining Stacy and Sarah for this week’s show! And thank you to listeners for tuning in!


The post TPV Podcast Episode 361: Road Trip Tips appeared first on The Paleo Mom.